Funding has been secured from NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) through the Access and Inequality (A&I) funding initiative to support the continuation and further development of DHIP’s Vaccination Grant programme.
The grant will be used by selected small community organisations to promote vaccine information amongst hard-to-reach communities in Derby City by carrying out community event(s), with a focus on COVID-19 and Flu.
The programme will target communities disproportionally affected by COVID-19 infection and mortality by developing a better understanding of vaccines and residents' health literacy and needs.
Groups can apply for a maximum of £2,500 to cover all costs associated with the project.
This fund is open to voluntary sector organisations that can meet the charitable objectives of the programme, and from organisations who would be interested in 'scaling up' their current provision to reduce health inequalities. Organisations should have a maximum turnover of £100,000. Priority will be given to smaller organisations with a turnover of less than £50,000.
Deadline for applications: Friday 24 January 2025
For more information and to apply, please read the Guidance Notes first and then complete and return the Application Form - both available below:
If you have any further questions about the Vaccination Grants, these can be directed via email to:
Ailya Habib - or
Natasha Cover -