Hypertension, often referred to as high blood pressure, is a health condition that affects just over a quarter of adults in the UK. If left untreated it can be severe and increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks. However, a reduction in high blood pressure and medical support if needed can significantly reduce these risks.
South Asian and Black African or Caribbean population groups face an elevated risk of developing cardiovascular disease, due to being more prone to other risk factors like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Derby City is home to a large population of South Asian and Black African and Black Caribbean communities.
To address these concerns effectively, the NHS joined forces with the Derby Health Inequalities Partnership (DHIP) and Community Action Derby to launch a community-driven project aimed at improving the heart health of these communities.
The key aims were to:
Understand people's knowledge and awareness of high blood pressure and its associated risks.
Better understand what people know about the services and support available at community pharmacies.
Determine the most effective methods and platforms for sending health information to the community.
Identify the best places within the community to communicate health information effectively.
An engagement report has now been produced to examine and present the findings of this project. As well as shedding light on the current state of hypertension awareness and management in Derby City, the report also paves the way for future strategic initiatives aimed at improving community health outcomes.
This collaborative approach, anchored in the heart of these neighbourhoods, marks a vital step towards a healthier future for all.
You can download the report below:
If you have any questions about the engagement report please email ailya.habib@communityactionderby.org.uk or beth.fletcher2@nhs.net