On 24 October we held our quarterly DHIP Members’ Meeting at Derby West Indian Community Association (DWICA). Thank you to everyone who contributed to and attended this meeting!
DHIP Co-Chair Siobhan Horlsey, alongside Marie Cowie from Public Health. Marie first shared how DHIP will be responding to recommendations of the DHIP Impact Report. One recommendation was that DHIP must continue to strengthen community capacity, and Marie emphasised the importance of growing the network of DHIP members and Community Connectors.
The room then discussed the building blocks of health, and how almost every aspect of our lives impacts our health and wellbeing. Siobhan explained that in order to address these wider determinants of health, DHIP aims to work collaboratively with our communities and stakeholders to develop an approach of true co-production, and to hold the system to account where it fails to address the needs of communities.
The room then divided into tables to discuss questions like, ‘If DHIP could change and shape city strategy to improve health and reduce inequalities what changes might we see?’ It was great to hear all the fantastic ideas everyone shared with the group.
It was also great to hear from Janet Tristam, one of our amazing Community Connectors from St James Centre. Janet gave a short presentation about what influences our health.
If you are interested in attending our next meeting, please email us at dhip@communityactionderby.org.uk
We look forward to seeing you next time!